As summer turns into fall, there is a whole lot of stuff that you have to do for your garden. Putting your garden to bed for the winter the right way means that you will have less to do when spring comes around. So, what are some of the things that you should do in the fall so that you are ready to go when spring hits?
Cut Back Growth
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Planting a a vegetable garden is more than just placing and watering seeds and seedling plants. Being a gardener is providing the protection, nutrients, and healthful elements your plants will need to grow the best they can. Here are some tips to help you boost your soil and benefit your garden plants this season.
Install a Weed Barrier
Weeds growing in your garden may seem quite harmless until they overtake and grow above your garden plants, stealing soil nutrients, water, and sunshine from your cultivated plants.
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Mosquitoes have been in the news a lot lately due to the Zika virus, which women were contracting when they went to places like Puerto Rico. The virus is especially dangerous for pregnant women and their unborn children. Even mosquitoes not carrying a deadly virus can be a nuisance in the warmer weather. Fortunately, there are some plants you can plant in your yard, near your garden, and around your home to keep these nasty blood sucking insects away.
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There are two methods to grow your own garlic. The first method is to cultivate garlic from garlic bulbs and cloves. The second method is to cultivate garlic from garlic seeds and flowers. If you have a vegetable garden and wish to grow your own garlic, you can use high-quality garlic bulbs from a farmers market or organic garlic producer. After you have grown a crop of garlic from garlic bulbs that have flowered, you can harvest the seeds from the flowers to grow in your garden next season.
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As a farm owner, you understand that one of the most important aspects of running a successful enterprise is having quality, working equipment. The tractors, plows and harrows that you use to perform your duties are central to keeping your farm running properly. However, you may be having a hard time coming up with the money to purchase the necessary farm equipment. Use this information to learn more about how to get farm equipment even when you're on a budget.
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